In the post just below I mentioned that the guitarist Pablo and the vocalist/pianist Mario @dragondomm are on Twitter, as well as the official Twitter feed @CamilaMX. Today @pablocamila retweeted a YouTube video that Samo put up and so I learned that he has one as well- @samocamila. ¡Síguelos todos!
You never know what you’re going to pick up from following tweets from pop culture icons like @jesseyjoy or @juanes, or from news sources like Venezuela’s version of Fox News @globovision or Honduran @diariolaprensa. A great tweet came through today as an example. One of my favorite groups, the Mexican trio Camila, tweets mainly through […]
There are so many reasons to dislike conventional world language curriculum; my #1 is that the books are out of date before they go to press. So your students are reading about how there hasn’t been a successful coup d’etat in Latin America since the end of the Cold War, and meanwhile Micheletti and the […]
You should follow Juanes on Twitter! He’s tweeting right now about his ground-breaking concert for peace at the Plaza de la Revolución in Cuba. He’s @juanestwiter; note that there’s only one ‘t’ in the middle of twiter.
This weekend I was at the fall conference of the Kentucky World Language Association (phenomenal!) and after I gave my presentation on YouTube and pop music, it occurred to me I should have offered the French teachers present the url of my favorite French-teaching cyberamiga Diane (@parisprimrose), Foreign Language Fun.
Check out this post at one of my favorite blogs, WannaJugarWithMigo to see how to win a cool bilingual toy from one of my favorite cyberamigas, @mamitati.