If there’s one big principle I’ve learned over the past 10 years, 8 teaching and 2 in grad school, it’s that good teaching isn’t magic. Sometimes it looks like magic, but it’s not. Sure, some people just don’t have the personality or gift of explanation to be a teacher. But some very gifted people have […]
I keep the Mexico trending topics as a column on my Tweetdeck, because you never know what will come up there. One great thing about Twitter is that you can only get so complicated in 140 characters, and when a topic like #4palabrasqueduelen gets trending by thousands and thousands of people, the text gets even […]
**Update August 2015** After four years of scoring assessments using this rubric, I overhauled it to attempt to highlight the areas I loved most and fix the ones that really bothered me (and others). Please see the new post for the new rubric I am using, updating, and working to improve. I’d love your feedback […]
For my original post about the myths, look here. Textbook companies make a lot of money off of telling us that they’ve done all the work and they’re all we need. Audio? They’ve got it. Video? That too. Activities? Structure? Assessments? It’s an all-in-one package, for a price. And out-of-date as soon as it’s printed. […]
¡Hola! Soy profesora de español en el estado de Kentucky en los Estados Unidos. Unos cuantos otros profesores y yo hemos decidido pedirles a nuestros estudiantes que se involucren en Twitter – twitteando en español, con otros hispanohablantes, para que aprendan comunicarse mejor en la comunicación interpersonal. ¿Es usted un hispanohablante que quiera twittear con […]
Tonight’s #Langchat topic is using games to support instruction. I have no idea how to describe a game in 140 characters so I thought I’d post it here. This is a game good for low levels. It works great to reinforce describing people. It’s useful for students to have the verbs ‘have’ ‘wear’ and ‘is.’ […]
You can vote here for the topic for this week’s #LangChat on Twitter, Thursday 1/27 at 8 pm EST. Also, feel free to suggest topics through this suggestion form.
The topic is chosen and we’re on tonight on Twitter at 8pm EST/7CST! What are the differences between communicative competence and accuracy, and what weight or importance do each of these carry in the world language classroom? Choose your medium (Twitter.com, Twitterfall, Tweetdeck-my favorite) and we’ll “see” you there!
I got a question via @espanolsrs about how I “teach” songs and whether my students understand what they’re singing. I thought I’d written a post about this before but when I browsed through my song label I didn’t see anything about it. Probably I just thought about it and didn’t actually write it (that happens […]
Here’s my Prezi for the three-hour workshop @jannachiang and I are doing at the annual fall conference of the Kentucky World Language Association, this weekend in Lexington. The title is “PLN-ology” and the topic is how to use online tools, specifically Twitter, the eduPLN on NING, and Delicious social bookmarking, to enhance professional development (and […]
This tweet from @Fonseca came through just now–why not use it to see how your students do with the double objects? Plus his use of ‘q’ and ‘super’ are fun. “En Bogota hay un restaurante q se llama “EL COMEDOR”, se los super recomiendo! Buenisimo!”
A tweet from @samocamila, he’s just full of fun stuff these days: A todos los fans les mando un besote!!!, tengo mucha emoción por cantar para ustedes esta noche en premios juventud, los amo!. Úsalo para practicar la diferencia entre por y para, y no te pierdas la oportunidad de enfocarse a los estudiantes en […]