A little while ago I made a post about pleasure reading that elicited a few comments from Bethanie: Bethanie said… Could you elaborate on what you do with the reading guides/palabras claves? I would like to incorporate more long reading into my classes in addition to the shorter pieces I already use, but struggle with […]
Here are a couple of good stories to use when teaching commands. En aquel prado is a book I actually start using the first week of Spanish 1 to practice numbers, but the best use of it is for commands. The most repetition is in uds and nosotros commands, although with the first animal there […]
Usborne books has a series of books that are good to read when practicing tiene. I bought a couple to use with my baby–one is Este no es mi osito and the other is Este no es mi dinosaurio. They’re touch ‘n feel board books, but they work fine in a classroom too! The things […]
I’ve come up with a story that in both Spanish 1 and 2 has worked really well with teaching demonstratives. We’ve worked with those quite a bit for the past couple of weeks, and I’ve been amazed at how fast my students have become consistent and proficient at using them. Side note: A couple of […]
My assessment has recently shaped up to be that I have 5 test grades in each quarter. We have a high school policy that except in math, tests form 50% of the student’s grade, and daily grades the other 50%. So test grades are pretty important, and I’ve been accused of not having enough tests […]
Here’s the story we did in Spanish 1 for the 2nd quarter. My version is about an elephant who wins the lottery and goes out shopping with his friend Minnie Ratoncita. In the student version, students collaborate to fill in blanks and make the story their own. The questions they confused were the ones about […]
Here’s my first Spanish 1 story, written using some of our vocab from the first quarter. This was right after we talked about colors and we hadn’t done much on verb conjugations. (I hate the word conjugate and we don’t spend much time memorizing or any time drilling conjugations.) My story Story with blanks so […]