Here’s my Prezi for the three-hour workshop @jannachiang and I are doing at the annual fall conference of the Kentucky World Language Association, this weekend in Lexington. The title is “PLN-ology” and the topic is how to use online tools, specifically Twitter, the eduPLN on NING, and Delicious social bookmarking, to enhance professional development (and […]
I love professional conferences, particularly KWLA! What could be better than a bunch of awesome teachers getting together and sharing their best practices? That’s how I found out about Yodio. My students in Spanish 3 today wandered the school taking pictures of teachers and staff “commanding” people to do things. They’ve written the commands and […]
Think you can’t know if students understand without them giving you translations (or you providing them)? See if this presentation can change your mind. Tips on why and how we should be assessing comprehension without English in the world language classroom. This presentation was given at the Kentucky World Language Association’s fall 2008 conference in […]