This post is part of my project to get rid of old (but useful) papers that have been sitting on my bookshelf.
This is another literacy idea I got from a grad school class on teaching literacy to ELLs.
- 3 sheets of 8 1/2 by 11 blank paper
- stapler
- drawing tools
- Place the three sheets of paper on top of eachother, and overlap leaving a small margin at the bottom of the paper.
- Hold the pages securely so that they remain overlapped, and fold the top sheet so that its top edge folds to a small margin above its bottom. There should now be six “pages” now in the flipbook.
- Staple through all layers at the fold. On the top page, write the title of the book, the author, and your name.
- Illustrate and write about an important event (ones you find significant) on each of the following five pages.
This project teaches students to look at literature more critically because they have to identify and illustrate significant events. Also, you can add a variety of activities, including retelling the story with the activities, explaining symbolism, writing new endings, collaboration, etc. I’ve also had students do this about a story told in class.
Keep reading!
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This flipbook is very good for teaching. I like it much, I’m sure the students will also like it.
flipbook maker