We know that students need comprehensible input in order to acquire language. Is that all we need?
Learn more in this Black Box videocast. Here’s the info.
It is hard to find a research model that has influenced the direction of language more than Stephen Krashen’s five-pronged hypotheses first published in the late 1970’s. Still, many language teachers may not be aware of what these hypotheses are, or how they play out in language teaching today. In the third installment of the Black Box videocast series, Albert Fernandez invites us to consider with Krashen how effective input for language acquisition needs to be not only accurate, not only comprehensible, not only interesting, but compelling. What questions will this 10-minute episode have you asking about the way you teach?
Ready to watch?
The Musicuentos Black Box Podcast is a collection of media resources developed to make relevant research in language learning more accessible and understandable for teachers. The project is cosponsored by Musicuentos and Indwelling Language. For more information on the team behind this project and to help us keep the resources freely available for all teachers, visit the Black Box resource page.
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I’m loving the Black Box podcast! Keep them coming!
We will – a new one comes out tomorrow and I hope you find it helpful!
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[…] it is acquisition, say you, because you can tell. Because the input is so compelling and compelling input causes acquisition. You know it’s acquisition because the input is compelling. And how do you know […]