Welcome to the first (annual, I hope) Musicuentos Book Club.
A book I read last year called The End-of-Your-Life Book Club, in which a son journeys through reading books with his mom while she is dying with cancer, inspired me to keep a record of the books I read and share my thoughts about them with others. I have read several books the author mentioned in that book since then, simply because of what he wrote about them. I’ve long been addicted to the reviews of intelligent consumers when I contemplate trading my money and/or time for just about anything, and books are no different. I almost never read a book without having had it recommended to me by someone I respect. So as I take the month of December off to spend more time with my family, I’ll be sharing with you some reflections, some long and some brief, on the books I read this year.
I have very eclectic taste in books. I read for fun, for spiritual enrichment, for personal challenge, and for professional development. To give you an idea of what I rate at five stars, my favorite books are Unbroken and Fearless. In the wide variety here, I hope you find something to enrich your reading time in 2015. You can view the complete list along with my rating and others’ reviews at the Musicuentos Book Club 2014 booklist on GoodReads.
You won’t find all of these books mentioned in a post, since some of them are not worth mentioning, but that is a review in itself, eh? Here is the list of books I read in 2014:
- A Painted Veil
- A Step of Faith
- The Hobbit
- Men We Reaped
- Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
- The Flight of Gemma Hardy
- Stella Bain
- In Pharoah’s Army
- Monuments Men
- Five Days at Memorial
- To Sell Is Human
- Walking on Water
- With the Old Breed
- The Great Santini
- Amazing Grace
- Sycamore Row
- Life after Life
- George Müller: Delighted in God
- Crazy Busy
- The Kite Runner
- Brain on Fire
- Never Coming Back
- The Scarlet Pimpernel
- Creating Innovators
Reviews coming all month long!
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[…] take on it: As I read through this book, I continually had the thought I had while reading Unbroken (one of my top two or three favorite books ever): This is not possible. They cannot survive. […]