The game-changing authentic resource guide for Spanish 3+: it’s here!
To find out all the details about the brand new Musicuentos ebook, Cajas de cartón: a chapter-by-chapter guide to the memoir by Francisco Jiménez, check out the Cajas page.
Or, to summarize, it’s 59 illustrated pages of proficiency-focused, vocabulary-boosting activities paired with comprehension and critical-thinking questions to accompany the 12 chapters of Francisco Jiménez’s poignant memoir Cajas de cartón.
Just looking for something to go with the short story of the same name, which is chapter 9 in the book? You can get that too. Or, if you’re interested in something for students with higher proficiency (think fourth year, intermediate mid or higher, AP, IB, heritage), then you’ll want to check out the first Musicuentos ebook guide for La ciudad de las bestias.
Already know you want the guide? For the launch week of October 4-11 you can purchase the download to reproduce for all of your students for as long as you teach for 25% off – $29.95. After October 11 the regular price will be $39.95.
To purchase now, click here:
Or, fax your school’s purchase order to: (815) 346-3401.
Enjoy – and let me know what you think!
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[…] been over four years since I released a novel guide. More than four years. Four long years I’ve had this project on my plate, moving around my […]