This post from last year was a popular activity for Spanish class. Enjoy!

A while back, a hashtag hit the trending topics on Twitter in Mexico: #quierounnovioque. I used the program Archivist to save the tweets and export them to an Excel file. I often do this if the teaching value of a particular trending topic hits me. In this case, the tweets were full of subjunctive used because of an indefinite antecedent. (We do not talk about them that way in class- but you and I are language nerds, right?)
In my Spanish 3 class we are just starting a unit that includes how to influence people, and with Valentine’s so near I resurrected this trending topic to create an activity for them.
In this activity, I am not yet asking my students to produce this structure. So, I put it for them. We are using the tweets to talk about the person’s wants in a relationship and then the prompt to talk about the students’ own wants in a relationship.
I mined and cleaned up forty of these tweets. Feel free to use them to create your own level-appropriate Valentine activity.