It seems like the hottest political topic this year is Obamacare. Boon? Disaster? And what about the Spanish-speaking immigrant population? Seemed like a perfect topic for an AP persuasive essay.
First, navigate the new healthcare system’s newly functioning Spanish-language website. Okay, so it’s functioning, but just about all it can do is tell you to call a phone number or visit your state’s website, which I did, and Kentucky’s Spanish-language healthcare site is not so shallow (“No se preocupe. Es rápido, fácil y seguro.”).
I needed to ask a question that elicits persuasion for the persuasive essay, of course, so I chose:
En cuanto a la reforma de salud, ¿está pensando el gobierno lo suficiente en la comunidad hispanohablante inmigrante? ¿Cómo debe el gobierno ayudar a esa comunidad a tener acceso adecuado al cuidado de salud?
Word is that of the three sources on the AP exam, one will be one opinion, one will be an opposing opinion, and one will be neutral. For my source casting Obamacare in a positive light, I chose an article published by the AARP on the beneficios de Obamacare para los latinos e hispanos. EDITED: For a negative opinion about Obamacare, I chose a graphic from, Ese desastre llamado Obamacare. My audiovisual source is my neutral one; it’s a news report simply answering two very similar questions a Spanish-speaker has about Obamacare and his Medicare.
My students’ final exam for the fall semester is the practice AP essay from the College Board, so I’m really trying to get them ready to write it. Based on what they’ve produced so far, we’re working on focusing on content instead of quantity (they have “I wrote 200 words and that makes me awesome” syndrome), offering a good introduction and conclusion, taking a persuasive stance, paragraphing, avoiding summary, and including a quote while not including too many (like, preferably, not more than two).
What are your AP students persuading you of these days? Besides making them brownies, I mean.
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I really like your sources for the essay! Since fuente 2 on the essay is going to be a graph or table, does the second article you mentioned have a graph or table? The website is blocked at my school for some reason, so I’ll have to look at it at home. The graph/table part is the hardest for me since I have essay prompts from last year that I can’t use unless I change one of the written sources to a graph or table, and they are not always easy to find.
No, good point! We’d looked at infographics in this unit but I didn’t include one in the sources here.
For a visual resource, try the AARP’s interactive guide “¿Cómo me afecta la ley de salud?”
Here’s an infographic in Spanish for understanding Obamacare.
BUT the site does have the perfect graph to replace the second article – same negative opinion in great visual form.