Here’s a fun video that features an animal (gato), narration in present, and talking about wants and feelings. I don’t know the source of the song, but the video was made by a Spanish student who heard it in his class.
Proficiency goals as you show this video:
Narration in present
Talking about feelings
Talking about wants
Switch out the animal.
Predict: What happens to the first cat?
Describe the emotions of each character and tell what makes you feel that way.
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I was just thinking we needed to do more with animals(read: working on a post) to tap into students’ basic fascination with animals! Fuel for the fire!
Thanks for sharing this! I wonder if it’s a Gale Mackey song? He wrote several songs that went along with Blaine Ray’s TPRS stories. Hope all is well with you! I love, love, love your blog! Thank you so much.
You are so welcome! Glad you are finding stuff you can use!