In case you weren’t aware, I am expecting our third child around the first week of May. Yes, I did just have a baby last June – God’s plans for us seem to be a lot bigger than our plans for ourselves! This addition is changing our lives in many ways, including jobs. In the fall, for the first time in 6 years, I will not be teaching in a traditional classroom setting. I wanted to do a blended online/on campus class with my high school advanced electives, but we have had some personnel changes at my school and the incoming head of school was not enamored of the idea. But, I will have more time for my children, and more time to pursue some other avenues, like bilingual/Spanish playgroups and storytimes and, of course, curriculum and professional development consulting.
Thanks to Spring Break, I have content scheduled for the blog until after my due date so at least the blog won’t die even when I am struggling to accomplish anything other than growing and caring for the three small ones. I’ve also invited some colleagues to guest post, something that hadn’t occurred to me before but I’m excited about it.
So, if you send me a question or comment and it takes a little while to get answered, or if blog posts seem irregular (or hard to understand!) then you’ll know there’s just not enough sleep or time available at my house. Also, I am not taking additional consultations through June and I am not traveling through the end of the year.
Wish us all well!
Foto: Haddhar
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Congratulations! I wish you a speedy and healthy delivery. Good luck with everything else!
Congratulations! When you have time I would LOVE to hear about how you plan for maternity leave, especially with a non-Spanish speaking sub. I have no idea what or how to plan for that long.
How exciting!! The very best to you & your family!! ;o) congrats!!!