This may look like an ordinary post, but it’s not. Look closer. This is what 300 blog posts looks like!
Not very long ago I tweeted my 10,000th tweet:
“10,000 bricks down the yellow brick road and no Oz in sight. Turns out the journey IS Oz.”
Who needs an audience?
I remember when I first started blogging over four years ago, on a suggestion by my husband (who also suggested later that I should get on Twitter – he’s a smart man!). I wrote the first several blog posts and thought, “No one is going to see this.” Sure enough, for a long time the analytics showed 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0 day by day. But my first discovery was that I was benefiting greatly just from having a place where I was writing down my thoughts and struggles and successes. It’s why people journal. It’s why we do self-assessments. Documenting my journey, regardless of audience, has helped me reflect and see my own growth.
I need an audience!
But then I actually did start to build a personal network through the blog. People started commenting. I joined Twitter and began to share my journey and learn from your journey there too. And it turned out that the perspectives I got from all of you informed my teaching and helped me be more successful faster than I had ever thought I could, faster than any “training” I’d ever had.
So, thank you. Thanks for listening and sharing and pushing and questioning. Keep it up and we’ll all be better teachers for it!
Foto credit: Vin60
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Congratulations on this milestone Sara Elizabeth! And thanks for all you do to support WL teachers everywhere!
Yes, Congrats and thanks for taking the 1st step!! I know that I have been encouraged and challenged to be a better teacher because of your blog/sharing. Thanks for not being selfish with your ideas & for helping so many!
To another 300!
No, it’s me who thanks you for the insight and ideas that you are always sharing. Un millón de gracias, no solo trescientos.
Congratulations !! Keep the excellent work helping new teachers like myself with great classroom ideas !!