Are you using or considering using the weekly student choice homework idea? Check out the 35 awesome new options suggested by attendees at my recent session The Choice is Theirs at the fall conference of the Kentucky World Language Association. Have students talk to Siri or make travel reservations online (up to the payment part, of course!), just to name a couple of examples. Most options will work for any language, and we also discussed how we would assess whether students had done each one. Do you have more ideas? Let us know!
Other resources: You can also check out my class’s updated list, my Prezi for the conference, and the blog post on students designing their own final exam.
Attendees at the session also asked for the link to MemeMartes, one of my class’s new options that students loved right away.
Remember, unless you’re accessing student’s motivation to continue with language learning, you are wasting every minute in the classroom, and the quickest way for them to fall in love with language is to let them choose their own path. How will you incorporate more student choice this week?
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