**Update August 2015**
After four years of scoring assessments using this rubric, I overhauled it to attempt to highlight the areas I loved most and fix the ones that really bothered me (and others). Please see the new post for the new rubric I am using, updating, and working to improve. I’d love your feedback on the new one.
Original post
After making my first new assessment description, I’ve finished the performance assessment rubric. It took a long time to make but hopefully it will be adopted for every assessment from 6-12 grades at my school. Again, I stole most of it from the great people at @JCPSWorldLang (with a special shout-out to @tmsaue1 for all the sharing they do over there). They got it all on one page, but I wasn’t willing to put my text that small, or my document-creating abilities just aren’t up to par. Thoughts?
Comments are closed.
I can send you the original word file to adapt for your needs if you like.
@THOMAS SAUER I just want to thank you for all that you have done. Your overviews are wonderful and make total sense.
I agree, Loly!
To Thomas Sauer,
I would love to accept your offer to send the original word file to adapt for my needs.
My school e-mail is:
Thank you so very much.
Paz, Mariana
Would love a copy of the word file as we are currently working on this!
Gracias de antemano.
Ronnie Konner
I would like a copy of the word document too, please. My email is Mandy.gillin@redclay.k12.de.us
Thank you!
@Thomas Sauer….I would love the original too, if you’re willing to share.
If you are still willing to share, I would love to get the word file so we could adapt it to our school as well. Thank you so much!
My email is: garrisonlm@vestavia.k12.al.us
Ha! Probably should've occurred to me. I think I got everything I wanted but it would be helpful to have it to get the proficiency levels graphic at the top- I just couldn't get the arrows evenly distributed.
[…] can be a bit of a mess. After all, there’s no right or wrong answer. I use the same proficiency assessment rubric to grade all the standards-based performance assessments in my class (four per unit: presentational […]
[…] rubric I use to score all performance assessments (which I almost completely stole from colleagues) has an […]
That is the best rubric I have ever seen. Bien hecho. Would you be willing to send me the word file so we could adapt it at our school? my email is wfrank@pinkertonacademy.org Thanks.
Check your email.
[…] a rubric with a grade for everything they do, or even for everything you grade. However, I use my performance assessment rubric so much that it informs everything I assess. I like it that way, because I know I have certain […]
[…] you make it interactive among students, comprehensibility may be the only feedback they need. The performance assessment rubric I use to grade almost all my assessments informs the way I grade everything else, including blogs. […]
[…] at odds with one another; he did not approve of her rubric (which, incidentally, is the same as my rubric) not having numerical grades on it. I discussed with her ways she could gently expose him to more […]
Would you share it with me as well? This is one of my summer projects and you already have an awesome tool. Would love to have a copy! Cammica@wilsonsd.org.
[…] Got the rubric! LANGUAGE SENSEI lingtlanguage JCPS assessment documents Ted Talk Every Kid needs a Champion E-portfolio Template, Spanish 2 This entry was posted in #langchat Summaries. Bookmark the permalink. ← 29 Proven Ways to Motivate Your World Language Students […]
[…] more than all the others and I wanted you to have an easier way to get to them. (Specifically, my performance assessment rubric, novel reading guides, and the original choice in homework post should stay up […]
If you could send it to me, as well; that would be great. We, too, are working on these right now. My address is: elawson@ohva.org
Could I also have an editable copy of this rubric? This is a great rubric and I must say an awesome blog to follow!
Forgot to include my email address: elizabeth.gonzalez@boerne-isd.net
I would also like to have a word doc copy! Thank you for your generosity in sharing your work.
I would love to have the word file doc also if that is possible. I have been using the JCPS copy and would love to make it mine. Gracias! By the way Sara, thank you so much for this site! It has been such a great help to me!
I forgot to include my email address
Muchas gracias!
Another great document! Please share the document with me too! How do you do it? With 3 young children? Can you share that secret too?
This is great, I was wondering if you could also send me the word document? I would like to adapt it a little to our program. Amazing, thanks
OOps forgot email. 10draney@gmail.com
Excellent job. Could you please send the word document to filomena.gomes@cssd.ab.ca
I would need to tweak it a bit for our French program. Merci!
I would love to get a copy of the original word document too! angie_martin@fa.org
Angie Martin
Would also love to receive a copy of the word file. Gracias de antemano
May I have a copy too? Mil gracias!
Could I also get this in a word file. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Oops. Please send to pwolney@district31.net
Muchísimas gracias!
Me encantaría una copia. rgabaldon@orcutt-schools.net Gracias.
I love your post. Is it possible to get a word copy of your rubrics?
My email address is pfrey@cwls.us
Millones de gracias
Wow, Thank you for such a practical blog and I would also love to have a copy of your rubrics, Agustin
[…] a rubric with a grade for everything they do, or even for everything you grade. However, I use my performance assessment rubric so much that it informs everything I assess. I like it that way, because I know I have certain […]
Hi! Love this. Are you still able to send the editable format? cmagadan@laurelschool.org.
Thank you.
Should be in your email!
We are currently in the process of updating and streamlining our rubrics at our school. I would love a copy of the document!
Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Would join the others in asking for the original document for the performance rubric to adapt for our program. Gracias. Please send to whiteaw@hudson.k12.wi.us
[…] adopting a proficiency assessment rubric designed by Sara Elizabeth Cottrell at Musicuentos.com (see her post about measuring proficiency). The part that I have been unsure of is valuable feedback. We all know that feedback is […]
Is it too late to request an original as well? Anybody has more advanced one? What is the expected proficiency for native speakers?
Julia, I sent you the file. I hope you can use it.
I got a second opinion and we think native speakers typically attain Superior level and educated, articulate native speakers attain the new ACTFL level, Distinguished.
We are also working on moving our curriculum to a more proficiency-based system. I would love a copy of the rubric if you are still sharing. Thank you! willer_beth@dublinschools.net
Wonderful! I would really appreciate an original rubric that can be edited if you are still sharing too! Thank you! ksaylor@necedahschools.org
I would also love a copy of the original word file if that is still possible. Thank you! tsalinas@granvilleschools.org
I would also like to have copy ….plz send me rashwin2004@yahoo.co.in
A mí también me gustaría una copia si sea posible. Mil gracias.
May I also have a copy please! I love your site! I love how you are thinking about teaching language! You are inspiring me to think differently this year! snorquist@bcacademy.org
Thank you for posting this – @THOMAS SAUER your website with all of your resources has been an amazing wealth of information and help as we transition into using IPAs in our program! Now I am looking to create some rubrics (I have the FLENJ ones) but am looking for some different ones to adapt to our program. If you could please share the Word copy of @THOMAS SAUER rubrics I would be so grateful!
Muchissimas gracias!
It would help if I included my email! csimonelli@holmdelschools.org
I would love a copy of the original as well! Muchas gracias! jmidyett@richmond.k12.va.us
[…] this tense, I’ll lose points!), despite my many reassurances that I grade only based on this rubric (there’s an editable version somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it and I the only copy […]
[…] four years ago I created this rubric, based on the ACTFL guidelines and the Jefferson County (KY) Public Schools’ world language […]
May I also have a copy please! If you’re still sharing. I love your site! Thank you
My email is: vickybobber@gmail.com
Hi Sara-Elizabeth. Thomas was gracious enough to share an editable doc. May I have a copy of yours as well? I appreciate all that you do for the profession! Hope that you have have a great start to this academic year.
Hola, este es mi segundo curso como maestra de español y me ha encantado esta rubrica, me gustaria saber si es posible me envie una copia, se lo agradecere mucho!.. ivette2345@hotmail.com
This is amazing! I would love a word copy as well please! Thank you so much for sharing!! ayesha.swinton@gmail.com
I’d love a copy too please! ebradvic@gmail.com
@Lee, Aixa, Ayesha, and Emily – I’m emailing you about this rubric and the new one I’ve developed. Thanks for your interest and I’d love to have you help me make the new rubric as good as it can be!
This is fantastic! I am a new teacher and will be teaching Spanish 1, 1H, 3, 3H, and 4. I would really appreciate it if you could email me the editable version. I am looking to streamline as much as possible as well as share a different perspective with my colleagues! All of your posts have been incredibly helpful!
I’m wondering if you are sharing your new and improved rubric. I’d love a copy of it if you are! I can’t thank you enough for making me always think about what I am teaching, how I’m teaching it, and why I’m teaching it. You have made my students’ lives better and they don’t even know it! ¡Gracias!
I had the chance to attend one of your sessions at ACTFL 2014….but got lost (literally lost) along the riverwalk back to the center. I’m still absolutely mad at myself.
I would love to have a copy of your revised rubric for my language dept. We’ve been trying to transition from “grades! grades! grades!” to more standards based learning…but district rules are district rules. Your first rubric saved me so much paper, headache and hassle last year.
thanks for being an inspiration!
[…] you can read here about all the things that frustrated me about that snazzy 2011 rubric that I used to use (and that got downloaded from this site a lot). Some of them probably […]
I would also love a copy of this rubric. Thank you so much for this! It is finally sinking in for me :o) lfrese@ardsleyschools.org
This is amazing. We’re moving to SBG in my district and I’m completely lost. I would love it if you send me a word doc of it.