I have to thank @vivianagabi for giving me the idea to use PhotoPeach to do a project called “25 things about me.” Her (Brazilian) students are at lower levels than mine, and take Spanish for less time per week, but it was a brilliant way for her students to connect with my students (by posting them on our blog) on an interesting level (dare I say interpersonal mode?). Here’s how I plan to incorporate a variety of modes of communication:
We’re in a unit on future tense. (I love how tech tools can be adapted for whatever you’re studying at the moment.) We’re going to start by giving a few ideas per person, orally and without preparation, of what we want to do in the future. We’ll go deeper semantically by making each item really contain something that reveals a look into who we are as a person. We’ll go deeper linguistically by including several idiomatic expressions, as well as irregular future and subjunctive after expressions of time indicating a future action. We’ll prepare questions based on her students’ projects to ask when we Skype with them. And we’ll discuss what digital citizenship is and how to use the creative commons.Here’s mine- only 21 things though. In trying to make it an example of the deep, transparent, idiomatic, multi-time narration I want from my students, I found it an emotionally satisfying journey to reveal some deep parts of myself in pictures and phrases. I hope you enjoy.
21 cosas sobre mí on PhotoPeach
http://photopeach.com/public/swf/story.swfUpdate (June):
Here are a couple of examples from my students. Really they blew me away with their depth of thought, and all of them enjoyed the project immensely – especially the senior AP students who got to do it in lieu of a final paper.
21 cosas. (Karson) on PhotoPeach
Vida de Felipe en 21 cosas on PhotoPeach
**NOTE MARCH ’13**
Photopeach had trouble with increased traffic and has not been able to recover the data for about 50% of their clients who created Photopeach slideshows in 2011 – including me. I’m sorry I have no examples for you – how I wish I had downloaded them! They were so good!
Comments are closed.
I love your project. Would you be willing to share you instructions and rubric. I'd love to do this with my seniors this year.
Muchas gracias.
[…] year as I contemplated my final exam for Spanish 3, I didn’t want to do what they did last year, because I like the PhotoPeach reflection much better as a relaxing ending to AP Spanish. Since my […]
[…] tools: For example, PhotoPeach, a slideshow tool that’s super easy to use for presentational writing and discussion. Right now I’m really interested in exploring AudioBoo as […]
[…] favorite way to wrap up AP Spanish, after the exam, is to do a project we call “21 important things.” Students do a slideshow on Photopeach using, at […]