The word ojalá finds its roots in Arabic, meaning “May allah grant that.” In Spanish it’s always followed by subjunctive, and here are two songs to help work with that.
The first is with present, Ojalá que llueva café, by Juan Luis Guerra. It’s one of those songs that can lead you in a hundred different directions. It’s a bit controversial from what I understand, and is a perspective on the life of the poor in the Dominican Republic.
I found some interesting blogging on the song. For example, read what José has to say about the song and its meaning. Then, use this cool site by Ms. Nelson to work with the song, complete with lyrics linked to pictures to aid in comprehension.
I just found out that the song was re-recorded by Café Tacvba, with some killer fiddling:
The other song unfortunately does not have much in the way of resources but is the best I’ve heard to work with Ojalá + past subjunctive or just past subjunctive by itself (“Si volvieras a mí” by Josh Groban is beautiful to me but not so appealing to most of my high-schoolers). It’s “Ojalá pudiera borrarte” by Maná.
Ojalá que you enjoy them.
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I would have LOVED to take your Spanish classes as a high school student! I've just spent time reading through your archives and am quite impressed–you're doing such engaging, creative, communicative teaching. I have taught several language classes (French and ESL) without using a textbook, and it can be a real challenge–but also rewarding, as you know. Kudos to you!
Ojalá isn’t a verb at all, kids. Rather, it’s an interjection.