It’s always exciting to find story sources. I say it all the time, people learn language through storytelling. We learn vocabulary through reading and hearing words in context, not by studying the dictionary. We learn what “sounds right” (the key to fluency) by hearing it over and over and over again, not by doing drills.
So I’m pleased to put in a plug for Cody’s Cuentos. They’re available in audio, with transcripts, and they’re adorable! The blog in general is too cute. If you’re learning Spanish, you’ve got to visit this site.
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¡Hola Sarita!
Mil gracias por mencionar mi blog y podcast en tu página web. Te lo agradeczco muchísimo.
By the way, if you ever have any suggestions at all on how to improve the podcast or make it more relevant to students of Spanish, please get in touch. Would love to hear from you!
Saludos cordiales,
P.S. I love your personal slogan…”If I were independently wealthy I’d pay my boss to let me teach Spanish. I love what I do.” ¡Genial!
Gracias, estaba muy contenta de ver tu sitio. ¡Espero usar los cuentos en mi clase!