At the KWLA conference, so many people mentioned cool things you can do with a computer… if you have a projector in your room, which I don’t. I’d asked for one before, but the tech guy told me that no one was checking out the one in the library, so he didn’t see a need to buy another. I told him it would be such a hassle to get it every morning and bring it back every afternoon, that it wasn’t worth it.
After the conference, I decided it was worth it after all, and I was going to check it out every day unless someone else needed it. So I have, the past two days, and my students have LOVED it. This morning one of the students in my difficult period said, “I learned more than I ever have in any other Spanish lesson.” YAY!
So I’ve arranged with my boss to have a “permanent checkout” of the projector in my room–after all, if no other teacher is using it, what’s the sense in me getting a new one and the other one sitting in the library? He said if other teachers start requesting it, the library will have to requisition a new one.
Good times, good times.