Podcast episode 5: Oral corrective feedback

Nicolee Camacho
Nicolee Camacho


Does talking to a student about errors in writing help them come to a place where they can correct themselves?  If so, what kind of feedback actually works?  In this article, the authors examine two ways of offering oral corrective feedback to determine which one leads to students learning to correct themselves.  Their answers to questions about feedback and how they got there surprised me, and I’ll tell you how and why I disagree with them in this fifth episode of the Musicuentos Black Box Podcast.

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Title: Oral Corrective Feedback on L2 Writing: Two Approaches Compared

Authors: Rosemary Erlam, Rod Ellis, Rob Batstone; University of Auckland, New Zealand

Publication information: System, 2013 #41

Podcast date: Episode 5: June 18, 2014

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